Put your iTunes MediaMonkey collection on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title. (ganked from
Boy when you look at me
Pardon, Darling if I alarmed you
Sweetness, Sweetness I was only joking
I'm sorry for making you wait such a long time
I just want you to know
So I sit in some trendy bar
I'm tongue-tied
Sunlight falls across my sky
Everybody says you're looking pretty cool
Last Christmas
Don't be so quick to walk away
Laid back
She used to be my only enemy
Back on one of those
You and I carry on strenuously
Looking back on my life
You're just too good to be true
Oh Danny Boy
Hands down
Swept away
Wow. Even my music choices are slashy. The 21st song on play? Mousse T's 'I'm Horny'.