May 05, 2008 17:30
In Year 9, our history class were split into debating groups for a day. My group was assigned to represent Ancient Sparta, and to engage with the Ancient Athenians in spirited arguments on which society was superior. Unlike other debates we were not given any extra time to prepare our statements and had to come up with speeches on the spot. The other group had concentrated on emphasising Athen's cultural superiority over their admittedly barbaric-seeming neighbours. Most of my group had resorted to threatening the Athenians with war in their speeches. If 300 had been out at that time, I'm pretty sure our guys would have ripped their shirts open and beat their chest, such strongly was the testosterone in the room. I was second to last and delivered a short speech on the importance of military might over political will (haha!), reminding the Athenians there were Spartan spies in their midst for their own benefit. Scary, huh?
Anyway once everyone had a go, our teacher decided instead of allowing each group to give a rebuttal each we were allowed to take turns to say anything within 60 seconds. For all the wannabe debate moderators out there, this is a BAD idea. Right from the get go the verbal swipes were vicious. Athenians are hypocritical imperialists concerned only with trade and care not for Greeks. Spartans are aggressive animals that deserve to be wiped out by the Persians. Just before it descended into a fist fight, I spoke up for the Spartan women and sneered that we could go out of the house without a chaperon and with no fear of being molested. There were appreciative whoops from the audience, and a shamefaced opposition whose only answer was a hand reaching for my throat.
How flippin' sad that I can't say the same for today. Cripes. I would love to walk around LA without constantly running into someone wolf-whistling or catcalling. It's not a cultural thing, please don't give me that line. I've been catcalled and eyeballed like a piece of meat in white bread suburbia, Chinatown, in the financial district of Downtown LA, and even the beach cities. Here, every time I walk to the shops or the post office I have to bring along my mp3 player or try my best to avoid the calls.
If it isn't random whistles, it's the scary drive-by leer (when the car slows down so the driver won't have to take his eyes off you, even if he has to look over his shoulder to do so), or the truly stupid shouts. Today within a 15 minute walk I had four catcalls. Four! Some young blond guy had the gumption to lean his entire head out the window of his pickup and yell 'WHOO, BABY! BAD GIRL!' while the light was still green. I watched in alarm as he tried to swerve in order to avoid hitting the center divider. Mind you, I was wearing a long sleeved dark shirt and dark baggy jeans. Just exactly what part of me was a bad girl?
It really makes me think all men are scum, it really does. They may think its funny or appreciative to make lustful glances in this way, but it's upsetting. One year when I was waiting for a friend to pick me up, a jeep drove by with three college-aged guys who asked how much I was charging as a ho. There is no end to my embarrassment and humiliation at being singled out by a bunch of stupid men in this way. You would think someone would have taught them better. And at the end of it all, I feel incredibly confused and guilty. Why me? What did I do to deserve this sort of attention? No one needs to feel as if they exist for the sole purpose of entertaining men and I'm sick of it.
But what can we do, other than teach our brothers, cousins, nephews, friends not to perpetuate this behaviour? What can I do that will get the message across that I do not want to be part of this anymore? Where can I move to in order not be bombarded by the disgusting leers? Or should I just accept it as another unfair part of life and try my best to pretend it doesn't exist?