Ganked from
ldragoon :
Skirt Chasers: Why the Media Depicts the Trans Revolution in Lipstick and Heels by Julia Serano.
Very well-written pieces on transgenderism. The one that got me to smack my forehead was the women-born-only policies and the arguments supporting them (negative male energy, I kid you not). And it really gets me upset that others would treat them as freaks of nature, because they're somehow 'unnatural'.
Bryan Sykes'
Adam's Curse is what truly made me believe gender is more complicated than XX and XY. Researchers have found men with XX chromosomes. This seems unlikely, as males have XY and women XX chromosomes. As it turns out, these XX men have only tiny segments of the missing Y chromosome. It's enough for the maleness genes of these individuals to be switched on. And it's enough for me to believe when someone says they feel trapped in the wrong gender.
Serano also states:
It is no longer enough for feminism to fight solely for the rights of those born female. While that strategy has furthered the prospects of many women over the years, it now bumps up against a glass ceiling that is partly of its own making. For while the movement worked hard to encourage women to enter into previously male-dominated areas of life, many feminists have been ambivalent at best, and resistant at worst, to the idea of men expressing or exhibiting feminine traits and moving into certain traditionally female realms. And while we credit previous feminist movements for helping to create a society where most sensible people would agree with the statement “women are men’s equals”, we lament the fact that we remain light years away from being able to say that most people believe that femininity is masculinity’s equal.
Oh, I'd love to see that. But seeing how these days feminists are busy fighting amongst their own, I don't know how successful this push will be.