*insert wordless stare*

Sep 14, 2007 21:06

Damn, and it was going so well. Unfortunately I've been ill with a painful sinus headache and sore throat. It'd be ideal if I could spirit away to visit a doctor, but this week was filled with back-to-back work commitments that could not wait. There are such dark circles under my eyes from being unable to have a restful sleep. A friend gave me very good suggestions for meditation which haven't worked yet - I can't seem to meditate into a deep rest. Any sudden noises (like the whoosh of a car as it passes by the house) is enough to startle me awake. But nevermind, it's the weekend! And I have a very ambitious schedule for Saturday and Sunday that includes Wired Magazine's Nextfest. Tomorrow I'm hoping to write up my impressions on yet another Clive Owen film (wait, don't leave!) and on Sunday a little piece about a new dish I'm trying out.

In the little window of time I was able to leave work to pickup some OTC medication I was also able to snag the comics I've been waiting for. Seriously, there is no accounting for my taste in comics. If I like the artwork I most certainly will buy it, and I'm almost exclusively DC. What can I say, they bought me with all the schwag I got at SDCC. This week had a lot of good stuff that I like: Black Adam being his kickass self (I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop for when he mutates into an emo version of himself, but thankfully it hasn't happened), Power Girl & Kingdom Come Superman, and Green Lantern Hal Jordan with his pimp rings (which never fails to cheer me up). Anyway, here's a page from the JLA Wedding Special I thought to share. I bought it not because of Black Canary - Green Arrow wedding *yawns* but the chance to play 'Where's Waldo' with the background. Ooh, there's Garth! Yeah, I'm easily amused. OH and the cover is here.

No back story needed for this page. Batman = Detective. He's doing some detecting.

It still puzzles me that they're using the names of their teammates' civilian identities in the conversation. Did the notion of secret identities fly out the window?

Hm. Only Batman thought to bring a torchlight with him. I guess that's why he's Batman.

HAHAHA! No THIS is why he's Batman.

*snicker* I love these moments of Batman snark. Yes, it's annoying. But as long as it's not directed at you, it's highly entertaining.

Right, here's me going to bed now. Have a good weekend!

comics: scans, comics, batman, red arrow

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