1.Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
2.Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!
fictionalknight picked these out for me:
Lian Harper, asleep with her bunny. This is my default icon when I'm sleepy or ought to be asleep. Speaking of sleep, sometimes I'll curl up in bed with MacGuyver, my teddy bear. Unfortunately, I tend to thrash around in bed so my bed companions will mostly likely end up on the floor. Sorry!
Who's the older brother? I'm feeling a little optimistic now that Bart and Barry are back, because there's a chance that Owen will be acknowledged as one of the Flash family. Owen has so much potential, both as a character and a speedster, and I'd love to see more of him. I was so excited to see him in Manhunter, but that was what, four pages in total? Where's the love, DC?
Guy Gardner: ILU SFM. Why? It's complicated.
Remember the Aretha hat meme? When I created this icon, I had to quickly look away and bite my lip for fear of laughing too loudly at work. It's the hat Batman wears to go to church on Sundays.
Believe it or not, when he was first introduced I thought Bart was horribly annoying. My best friend would continually blab on and on about how adorable he was and how I had to buy his monthly. Superboy is way cooler! I said, staring at her as she was insane. Yeah, this is the sort of argument we would have on IM arguments: Impulse or Superboy, YOU MUST CHOOSE! Around the time Bart became Kid Flash and Young Justice seemed like a mere memory, I went back to those issues of Impulse and found him incredibly endearing. Bart's one character I wished didn't have to grow up.
Uh, yeah. I don't think this is like, news to anyone that I find Wildcat attractive. It's the combination of the old cranky bloke + boxing + cat thing (don't call me a furry, noooo) + badass. If I had a type, Ted would be it. BTW out of all the depictions of Ted and the catsuit, this is my favourite -- the beat up ears, the stitched up mask, and the day-old stubble. Sigh.