First Flight is the first animated Green Lantern feature, and tells the story of Hal Jordan's induction to the Corps. Christopher Meloni (Law and Order: SVU) is the voice of Hal, and other voice talents in the movie include Victor Garber and Michael Madsen.
Before the movie was screened, producer Bruce Timm said a few words regarding the project and coaxed all the fans in the ballroom to stand. Then he led all of us in reciting the Green Lantern oath. YES. ABSOLUTE NERDITY. I flubbed the third line *sigh*
Basking in the afterglow of feeling that nerdity, the movie started. We're quickly introduced to Hal Jordan (and his attitude) before the simulation plane he's in is hoisted far, far away to the middle of a desert where a dying Abin Sur bequeaths his ring. And in what made me nearly burst in giggles, Hal then puts on his GL costume magical girl style. I kid you not, it was like watching Sailor Moon. Heh, it's so Hal.
I'm not going to go into details, but I couldn't help but notice that some scenes were reminiscent of other movies/shows. The credits in space reminded me of the opening for the Superman movies. Hal's powering up in later scenes made an audience member behind me gasp, 'Super Saiyan!'
There just wasn't enough of getting to know Hal before he became a GL, and that made things difficult to understand who he was. Much of the movie focused on unfolding events on Oa and regarding the Corps. If you weren't well-versed with the GL mythos before, could you suspend your disbelief that this random, smart-mouthed guy who hasn't undergone proper training with the ring would suddenly beat the best of the best? That bothered me, and it's not like I'm a Hal hater. This approach made Hal seem like a Super Gary Stu.
That's not to say Hal wasn't entertaining. There's a little bit of Guy Gardner in the way he responds to events by going 'What the hell?' and tends to act first, think later approach to getting in the thick of things. There's also a sweet moment after Hal is defended by Sinestro in front of the Guardians, who want nothing more to do with an untrustworthy Earthling. 'What now?' Hal says. 'Now?' Sinestro says, with a wicked gleam in his eye. 'I own your ass.' HO-YAY.
I was very happy to find Meloni NAILS Hal. He imbues Hal with that a smarmy, cocky charm that I normally find deeply douche-y and makes it appealing. Who doesn't want to laugh when Hal offhandedly tells the Guardians bye? Or when Hal pouts because no one else in the Corps likes him at first? The true surprise however, is that I found myself cheering on for Sinestro. It's easy to say power corrupts, but there's more to Sinestro's motivations. For one thing, there's a grain of truth to the claims that the Green Lanterns are nothing more than 'garbage collectors' in the sectors they patrol. Who wouldn't be frustrated in the position of enforcing rules but affecting little change? And like the cop who lets the pressure go to his head and resorts to compromising his morals, Sinestro is taken down by his own anger. I would definitely recommend watching the movie for Victor Garber's magnificent turn as Sinestro alone.
Does this mean I would go ahead and buy a copy? *bites the inside of cheek* Well, I am a person who has worn a Green Lantern ring everyday for the past two years... By the way, this is an affirmative ya poozers.