There's no excuse for my being so late to this, and I bring forth a list of Iran-related links in hopes they will help.
Iran Post-election Editions 1-4 on
ontd_political: noteworthy articles, twitters, links/pics/vids in the comments updated frequently
The Guardian Live Post existencialismo's
brief on the election background and major players
Tatsuma's thread on Fark regarding the
timeline and history of protests in Iran
kuwdora's History of Iran ETA:'s updates on the protests, including a graphic provided by AP that illustrates Iran's political structure
What we can do to help:
How to setup a proxy for Iranian citizens (via
Austin Heap)
Cyberwar Guide for Iran Elections (via BoingBoing)
Google Translate Persian to help translate articles, photos of paperwork etc
The Guardian reports the US admits asking Twitter to postpone maintenance to help Iranian protestors
Ahmedinejad says his comments were taken out of context when referring to his opponents as "dust" or "dirt" (via
freestyle dedicated to the Iranian revolutionaries
Protests are being planned and linked to on Facebook, but for those who don't have FB
ontd_political's live posts will sometimes have that information. In addition, Why We Protest - Iran has a board dedicated to world wide protest planning