Lin was standing in line, other people dressed just like her by her side. Twenty, maybe two dozens. All of them stood, staring at the ground, waiting for something.
An old man with a long white beard and a a wooden spear began to talk.
"All right," everybody turned to him. "As requested, tomorrow morning the invaders will be sent home peacefully."
And there was Kazahana, in a white yukata, a collar around her neck and her wrists tied behind her back, but a serene smile on her face. "Really? I'm very grateful..."
People whispered, Lin didn't say a word.
"Release the seal of the Sokyoku." Ordered the man.
She just watched as the thick ropes wrapped around what must have been the Soukyouku- a huge halberd- were released and fell into the ground.
The whispering had ceased, now everyone was looking down, as if nobody needed to look up to know what was happening.
In a matter of seconds, Kazahana's arms had been freed and forced to spread, and she was being lifted up in the air, until she was too far for anyone to be able to see the expression on her face.
The Soukyouku turned to flames, and all too quickly they shifted into a figure- a huge, burning phoenix.
"Kikou. This is the true form of the spearhead of Sokyoku and and the executioner of the grand penalty. After it pierces through the criminal's body, the execution ends."
So that was it. Not a single person in the small crowd could take their eyes off. The phoenix was ready to strike, but just as it was about to pierce Kazahana's body-- something stopped it.
It took a few seconds for the people down on the ground to realize what or who it was.
And there was Toushi, a big sword in his hands and a big cape on his shoulder.
(( ooc; for reference, cp'd from the
quicklog with Kazahana.
Chapter 150. ))