Lin didn't realize it was a memory crystal when she saw the weird thing near her plate. Maybe she should have been more careful, but immediately she touched it, and everything around her started to fade.
Bastet once again, Lin wasn't surprised: didn't Bastet already haunt her dreams, and her life in the Sphere? But the Bastet she was seeing now was wounded and determined, beautiful like a goddess of war.
Suddenly, a blinding thunder. As it disappeared, Lin could see Bastet's smiling face. The woman spoke, looking confident as always, but Lin couldn't hear a single word. Actually, she couldn't hear anything at all.
And then she was running towards her, attacking her, but Bastet's warm, soft hand caught hers, somewhat carefully, yet firmly. And her lips said more words Lin couldn't hear.
Again, she tried to attack the woman, only to see her dodging all of her attacks.
She didn't need to be able to hear to know she was screaming, her throat ached and her whole body was shaking. Her shoulders and back felt hot, and light surrounded both her and Bastet, spread by their bodies.
More talking. Bastet's expression was surprised, then worried, then wistful; Lin was angry, furious, desperate.
Another blinding thunder, and then...
Then Lin was crying, warm, wet drops running down her cheeks. She fell on her knees, and kept crying at Bastet's feet.
And Bastet didn't move, didn't attack her, didn't finish her off-- but didn't comfort her either. And then her lips moved again, but once more, there was nothing but silence.
When Lin came to, she was still crying.
(( ooc; senses are Sight and Touch.
Chapter 159. ))