★ 33; not your usual case of domestic violence

Oct 18, 2011 18:13

[ACTION; 747 Partridge Drive; evening]

[Two things of note can be found in the kitchen of Suikoweissassassinpancakehaus: a pile of dirty dishes, and a Miakis. The latter is eating cookies and waiting on her not!husband to come home and do his share of the housework. Nevermind that he cooks; it's his turn to do the dishes now, too.

Ken, after a weird shift at work (yay retail), comes home and enters the kitchen.]

Eh? Heh, you're usually more on the ball with dishes.

[Miakis just blinks and swallows the rest of her cookie.] Well, yeah, when it's my turn. It's all on you tonight~

Wasn't it your turn today?

Nooooooo... [frowning] I did 'em last night, remember?

Nuh-uh, I did them last night.

You did not! It's your turn tonight. [She claps her hands.] Chop chop, get to it.

No way! It's totally your turn!

It is not! Don't try and get out of it.

I ain't tryin' to get out of it. It is legitimately your turn!

Are you calling me a liar? [This is said in a very flat, unamused tone.]

No, I'm not callin' you a liar, I'm sayin' you're remembering wrong. [Answered in the same flat tone.]

Maybe you're remembering wrong. [Crossing her arms stubbornly.] It's not my turn.

Well, it's not mine either!

Well, fine, if you want to be that way... [Miakis unsheathes her trusty daggers and grins. There's a familiar, mischievous glint in her eyes.] Wanna take it outside~?

... [Ken grabs his gloves] One two three four, I declare a kick your ass war.

Uh-huh. We'll see about that~

[Ken grins.] After you.

[The two exit the house and move to the front yard, where there's more room for violence and audiences. Miakis takes a moment to stretch before beckoning at her husband in a 'bring it' gesture.]

Dueling over who has to do the dishes, really~ Can't you just man up and accept your responsibilities?

I would if they were my responsibilities! Pin takes the win?

You're on.

[ANNNNNNNNNNNND FIGHT! The two tumble for a while, but in the end, it's Miakis who claims victory by pinning him down and sitting on his chest. Her dagger is pointed at his throat, which she cheerfully withdraws after a moment.]

I win! [She pauses to stare Ken down, who is not pleased with this loss.] If you're gonna pout about it, why don't you ask one of the kids to do it~?

[grumbling] ...Yes, dear.

((OOC: Blue is weiss_tank, Purple is Miakis; expect responses from either one or both. Feel free to tag before, during, or after the fight, cheer one of them on, have popcorn, whatever. Threadjacking is permitted and encouraged~))

the most mature, poor ken, wife of the year, this is actually a pda, ilu hubby, guess who tops

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