★ 10 [phone/action]

Jul 25, 2010 17:02

[It was Miakis's turn to sleep on the couch last night... But she thought it would be funny to slip into bed next to Ken after he fell asleep and see his reaction the next morning. Husbando is so easily flustered, it's too much fun to pass up~

She wakes up to something wet on her face. Gross. She groans and rubs her eyes sleepily.]

Jeez, if I knew you drooled in your sleep, I never would've--

[...Except wait that's blood. That particular realization jolts Miakis awake, and she jumps out of bed with a shriek. She's seen this happen before, but that doesn't make it any less jarring.]

Ken! What happened--?


[There is a pause as she checks his pulse, and she swears. Loudly. And, knives in hand, she backs out of the room. She has a bad feeling about this... >:|]

((ooc: So! Nagi slit Ken's throat in his sleep. 8| Feel free to drop in or assume the phone was left off the hook or whatever, idc.))

trolling fail, gonna cut a bitch, well shit, ilu hubby, this is bad, dammit nagi

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