εïз relationships

Aug 12, 2025 00:20

Now with fancy html! WIP forever aaaaaah. Feel free to comment if you want her to be listed, because I'm dumb and probably forgot to add a bunch of people anyway. Or if you don't have CR with Miakis and would like to plot, THAT IS COOL TOO.

She does not like you, simple. :|

Court's still out on you; she's still getting to know you.

The beginnings of friendship~ She's starting to respect and warm up to you.

Friends! She'll go out of her way to spend time with you.

Miakis trusts you and is willing to protect and fight with you.

CAUGHT IN A RAD BROMANCE. You are among Miakis's bestest buddies and she really super duper likes you a lot.

This is familial love, the very closest and dearest of friends, Miakis's Most Important People, ~*~twoo wuv~*~, and so on. She would gladly take a bullet for you.


"The one thing Mayfield's done right," as Miakis likes to put it. They are two derpy peas in a pod, so she naturally warmed up to her husbando right away. She doesn't wholly approve of his night job, but the fact that he is actually a decent person has helped her accept it as much as she can.

Ken seems to have fallen head over heels for her, something she finds both amusing and completely baffling. It took her a while to figure out if she feels the same way, but hey -- he's fun, easily trolled, and really cute... and being around him generally makes her pretty happy, so she's cool with this whole relationship thing. Whatever her feelings for him are, Miakis is certain of this: Ken is a very important person to her, and she'll do everything in her power to protect him.

Miakis can tell that Omi thinks she is a little strange -- but who doesn't, really? He's a nice kid, and he's important to Ken, so he's definitely okay in her book.



Miakis has a lot of respect for Olivier -- how can she not, when the good Major General is such a goddamn bamf? It's a relief to finally see someone competent taking charge and making a good, solid attempt to get shit done and fight back against the town. Miakis knows war, and she has an idea of how stupidly frustrating running an army must be, so she is ready to support and fight for Olivier's cause to the end.

She's a bit of a cold fish, though, and that is a little irritating, but Miakis is willing to work around that. :3

Miakis is usually not fond of flirtatious men like Zevran, but she sees a bit of her friend Kyle in him and appreciates his sense of humor -- and he's just so damn likable for an assassin. So, Miakis has decided that they are friends. Also you know they will become partners in crime in trolling the shit out of Ken.

Kay is a lot of fun! They talk about boys and build snowmen together and just generally get along really well -- and they're both friendly, cheerful types, and Miakis absolutely needs more friends like her.

Cyuss would be a total bro if he didn't constantly underestimate her. >:/

Ian is a pretty cool lizard dude. And Miakis totally doesn't care about him being a lizard dude, because how can you be racist against lizards when you were in an army with a group of beavers? And Ian's an easygoing, good-humored guy who's easy to talk to, so he and Miakis are total bros.

Caesar is from twenty-five years into Miakis's future. That's weird. He also likes to call her an old lady. That's annoying. Trolls gonna troll, man.

He's a creepy creeping mind-reading creeper and he likes to antagonize her and attack Ken, so Miakis pretty much hates him with a burning fiery passion. Fuck you, Schuldig.


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