That's right...! It's finally that time, this weeks theme is going to be bath scenes! You know what that means, right? It means you can ONLY use icons from the various bath scenes found in Riviera and Yggdra Union. No supraiz porn fanart (fanart isn't allowed anyway, remember!); in short, nothing but nudes. If you're having trouble finding the bath scenes, just go
to Lacrima Castle and check in the CG sections, and for the newer Riviera bathscenes, please go right
•Please submit icons like so: •Please read the rules, aka the user info, before entering.
•Reply to this post with your icon and its URL as shown above.
•You are allowed to submit two entries.
•Voting will be up on Friday unless an extension is required.
•Please ask any questions if you have any.
Let's get to it guys! /o/