I don't feel like dancing~

May 29, 2010 15:18

Well, alright, maybe I do.

I'm looking forward to this evening/night. We've got our second ball for our dancing course. Though one of my friends isn't feeling good... I'll try my best to cheer her up. :/

The reason is yesterday. We were guests at a birthday party of a friend (in my opinion, it was funny there, but at the same time... yeah). Someone my friend really liked was quite drunk (like about half of the guests) and she's angry over this. She never was that drunk so it's hard for her to understand that alcohol can really change you. I had some as well, but not THAT MUCH. (I could control myself just fine and didn't run around there totally hyper.)
So now today I'll give my best to cheer her up - I mean, just letting someone drunk bring her down? I can't have that!

On top of that, it's the birthday of an acquaintance/friend today. So that's where I'll go before the ball starts. Busy weekend. xD But I'll have tomorrow to myself... and school, if there's something I still have to do? Ah, yes. French vocabulary.
I feel like writing today. But there's no time. Oh well~


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