(no subject)

Aug 14, 2004 03:07

I am so in trouble. I am sure some of you remember me going on about the Swim trials and how I could "watch" the races by watching the live results on the web. (It's like just watching the scoreboard at a meet). Well, they have them for the Olympics too. Not quite as nice but they are still there. The problem: Prelims run 2am - 5am and then finals are 11:30am - 2 pm. So here I am at 3 in the morning, having to work tomorrow and run errands before going in and I am waiting to sit here and "watch" Michael Phelps hopefully set a new world record. His race is next. So if you happen to see me on-line at 3 in the morning over the next week and a half, I really probably am there, watching a silly little page update every 30 seconds and getting just as excited as if I was watching it on TV. Of course I will still watch the TV coverage as well.

eta: And when I said worse, well the page says it is refreshing every 30 seconds. These people are not 30 seconds apart but it takes a couple of minutes for each person's split to show up.
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