Feb 14, 2006 15:50
First off:
Can I marry Ellen Degeneres? Please?? She is definitly my soulmate. lol whatever that is.
So I was working in the bakery last night, the night before valentines day, and it was great fun and angsty. We ate way too much, while boasting about our plans to spend valentines day in the memorial library where you could die and no one would find you till you started to rot. I swear its better when you're single cos you dont exactly have to worry about getting fat. I had such a sugar high. We were like bouncing off the walls. I also found out that Im in the second highest paying job on campus. thats good to know. i dont think i'll quit.
on another note, I noticed today that the company that makes the helmets for the olympic sports is the same company that makes the goggles for chemistry lab. I feel slightly more secure regarding my eyesight.
My bio 02 prof pointed out that we've made it to the first holiday of the semester. "Thank God" he said. lol it is obvious that he too is empathically enthused about the class.