We gave them a reason.

May 11, 2004 17:55

Sitting here watching NBC nightly news, and I am ashamed to call myself an American. For those of you who havent seen or read the news yet, here's a little breifing.
A video was put out by Al-Quieda showing the execution of the American citezen contractor in Iraq. They didnt show the actual execution, but in the video the (believed to be) Al-Quieda official eplained that this was the response to the brutal treatment of Iraqi POWs and then took a knife out of his clothing, wrestled the contractor to the floor, and slowly cut his head off. Then he held it up for the camera.

America brought this on itself. They also showed part of the senate testimonies, saying that those soldiers were never given any orders to act like that, but the democrats dont buy it, and neither do I. And even if they werent instructed to torture the Iraqi POWs, the conservatives admit the military forces in the area were not adequetly trained. What the fuck? oh yeah, thats right, the conservatives had to go to war right now, and couldnt wait for the UN, and of course Sadaam Husein was such an IMEDIATE threat that we had to send a bunch of civillians over there, put a gun in their hand, with the message "You want to dehumanize the Iraqis? oh go ahead, all we want is the fucking oil."

I am ashamed to call myself a citezen of a country that not only destroys the lives of any people it doesnt particularily like, including its own civillians. America. YOUR FUCKING GOVERNMENT HATES YOU.
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