Let me show you several photos that I made at july 2013 in Barcelona, Tarragona and Saloy (Spain).
Street photo is the most interesting part of travel photo from my side.
The illusionist showing tricks with fire at Salou's embankment.
Lightening at the mountains. I shoot this frame when trying to make a photo of night road over the see at Salou. And I was excited by surprisingly lightening happened and got to the photo below.
Lady has been taking sunbath under the umbrella.
My wife posing over the background of three Spanish girls seating on the bank in the swimsuits and have hairstyles very similar to each other.
A couple looking for sun going down at the small park at Salou.
No comment is needed.
People trying to have a rest in the shadow of the small street cafee at the Tarragona.
Young rider have a meal seating on the bike at the bank at Barcelona.
People walking at the Career del Major at Tarragona.
I decided not to show your two photos with children on the first line of the first line of the shot cause I was asked not to made publication of them.
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