Mar 16, 2004 00:13
Procrastination is a funny thing; it seems like once you start you really “procrastinate” stopping. I say this as I procrastinate studying. Spring break is over and in an instant I feel like I never left. Though it was nice to get a break from everything and just help out my Dad. Seeing Ashley was really good, it has been awhile since we really spent time together.
I read something really funny in the bathroom stall of the chemistry building: "chem makes me poop". At first I laughed, because well, poop is funny. Though the more I think about it, the more I realize it relates to life, though I am not sure it was intended that way. Life is simple; you get out what you put in, just as, "chem makes me poop", you work hard learning chemistry and you retain what is important and poop the useless facts. Well, that is one way of interpreting that, maybe it isn't how it was intended, but nothing is ever as it seems.
I have a lot of studying to get done still for Thursday, yet I feel no rush, I am really not sure why. I think I understand that test taking is 60% facts and 40% mental. Who knows? As far as Ashley's hair goes, I wasn't sure how I felt about it at first, but I really like it now. I think it is what she needed to grow as a person, it looks really cute. I still can't get over how much fun we have when we are together; it just showed how much talking on the phone is really not a substitute for being there.