Written for the
hw_fest ficathon.
Prompt: #27: Wilson has a mental breakdown or an episode of a mental illness that he's never told House about.
Title: "Flash of Normal"
Author: Stilmoch
Rating: PG for mature themes
A/N: Set sometime not too long after "Merry Little Christmas."
House sat in Cuddy's office ignoring her as she lectured him. Shame she'd covered the view with that turtleneck sweater.
"One of these days, you're going to say something that will hurt someone you do care about. And when he quits speaking to you, you'll be the only one surprised by it."
Cuddy's words echoed slightly in House's mind as he headed back to his office with his new case file. Although the diagnosis wouldn't be a problem, Cuddy had scored points with the patient's past medical history.
"Differential diagnosis, people. What does Frankenstein's monster have?" House turned to face his ducklings. Not surprisingly, each wore a disgusted expression. However, he was inwardly surprised to see that the look on Wilson's face was not one of disgust, but of....what? Was that sadness? It seemed House had just discovered a new puzzle to figure out.
Cameron interrupted his thinking. "I thought shock treatments were left back in the dark ages."
Foreman spoke up. "The original methods were left back in the dark ages. Electroconvulsive therapy is a much safer procedure today. The patients are put under anaesthesia and paralyzed, so they aren't harmed by the seizures, and they're carefully observed at all times. The worst they come out of it with is a headache and some minor temporary memory loss. I understand it's very effective at treating deep-seated depression."
"As interesting as that is, ERIC, what are the chances it's linked to the patient's current medical condition?"
"Very little, unless the patient attempted suicide, and this was the result. I'll get a pysch consult, just to be sure."
"Yeah, and make sure you order one for the patient, as well." House smirked as he headed out the door. "Wilson, let's you and I grab lunch while our minions gather all the usual data, bodily samples, and Rorshach results."
"Jimmy, will you please back up a bit? Otherwise, the next time I stop short, we're going to know each other in the biblical sense." House waggled his eyebrows at his friend, who immediately stopped walking, allowing House to get a few paces ahead of him. House noted, though, that he still didn't say anything, nor even crack a smile. Fine, he thought, I'll bite. He waited til they'd gone through the cafeteria line and he'd appropriated Wilson's bag of chips before he said anything.
"Okay, you haven't spoken since we played "Diagnose the Monster" with the ducklings. What gives? Am I nearing my Vicodin limit for the day? In which case, hear me now: OH WELL." He was met with a deep sigh, and then, "House, this isn't anything I can discuss with you here. Just drop it for now, okay?"
"Yeah, great idea. And right after that, I'll give up the Vicodin and start rehab instead. Now seriously, what gives?"
"I'm not discussing this with you here. Let's go somewhere where I won't be as embarrassed by your yelling after I talk to you."
"James, I'm shocked you'd think I'd do such a thing." When he only got a blank stare in reaction, his face and voice softened slightly. "C'mon. I know just the place."
"Coma guy's room????? This is your idea of a great private place??"
"Now who's yelling, Dr. Wilson? And who's ever bothered us in here? Now sit and spill. Why so quiet about our patient? Someone you know? Or someone who reminds you of someone you know?"
Wilson sighed again. Damn, this wasn't going to be easy. "Yeah, someone I know, all right. Okay. House, do you remember that sabbatical I took two months after I became head of oncology?" At House's nod, he continued. "It wasn't for research purposes. It was a medical leave. For me." He paused, staring down at his hands folded in his lap. "I.... Shit, this is the first time I've told anybody, and it's about as hard as I thought it'd be." Raising his head, he was surprised to see blue eyes concentrating intently on him. Relaxing slightly in the presence of an interested audience, he continued. "I found myself in a depression I couldn't shake. Recognizing what had become familiar symptoms, I voluntarily checked myself into Princeton General as an inpatient in their psych unit. They knew me there, and understood that by checking myself in, I was agreeing to something we'd discussed during past admissions." He swallowed. "I agreed to a series of ECT treatments. Yes, House, I was Frankenstein's monster for a while. About 5 years ago. And Barbara couldn't handle being married to him, so that ended marriage #2. So you can see why your current patient might have thrown me for a bit. To hear your adult grasp of the concept...I didn't know how to respond. I still don't, really, except to ask you to please not tell anyone else. Or good god, if you do, let me be there when you do, to run any necessary damage control." At this last part, Wilson finally looked up from his hands, steeling himself for whatever reaction was waiting for him.
Much to his surprise, the blue eyes looked almost sad, and it was quite a subdued Greg House who responded. "Jimmy, I had no idea. I had no idea how much pain you were in, and I had no idea what you put yourself through.
"I would like you to know, though, that you can come to me whenever you need to talk to someone about this. Remember in Atlantic City, with "vegetative state" guy? I said maybe I didn't want this to break. I meant that. We might have our disagreements here and there, and you might be completely wrong when they occur, but I want to have you here to be wrong." Here, Wilson tried to say something, but House continued, "And remember, I have a history of cutting. Don't think that was a one-time thing. I've spent some time locked away, too." He shuddered. "Believe me, your secret is safe with me as long as Cameron doesn't hear about mine."
At that, Wilson smiled. "God, could you picture the look on her face? The heart-broken puppy eyes? You'd never get her to leave you alone again."
House shuddered again, then nodded. "Good, you understand. We have a deal, then?" He held his fist out towards Wilson. Wilson made a fist and touched it to House's. "Deal. And one more thing: No more Frankenstein's monster jokes. Unless you want me to go for the "Edward Scissorhands" cracks."
House winced. "Niiiiiiice." And the two friends walked out of coma guy's room together.