Stolen from
takethewords XD
Pick one of my icons
here and I'll write you a drabble based on said icon. Keep your prompt relevant to my interests, please.Try to limit yourselves to the Who icons, but I might be swayed into writing something Glee-related XD Length may also vary... depends on how inspired I am XD
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*swoons* Mmm,yeah, nomnomnom, YUM, this is exactly what I hoped for when I was choosing this icon, and the fact that The Doctor is the instigator is even better *guh*
it was Rose's breasts against his chest, her hips swiveling to touch his as she stood on her toes to whisper in his ear.
Whoa, I think I lost it right here on the first line xD
now she's just Rose, tasting of chips and chocolate, fierce compassion and loyalty, bright smiles and rich laughter, and it's this Rose he's wanted for so long now.
and the ending ♥
You can totally pick another icon if you like XD
Well, this is the exact reason why I love it XDD you would be writing plotty plot in a comment,right? XDD
You can totally pick another icon if you like
Ah, you are going to spoil me but I'm too shallow not to take the offer xD Btw, can you write David/Billie?
*went to watch your icons further*
I can try... I haven't written RPF in a long time and I'm not terribly comfortable doing it now, but it depends on the prompt. Heh.
heh, since it's 2am right now I don't have any life stuff to do (well, maybe I do but chance in hell I will be doing boring Uni-stuff when I've got a few fics to read, quite a few xDD)
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