Neptune - Wednesday Afternoon/Evening

Oct 03, 2007 17:49

Lilly sure as hell didn't need Logan to have a good time in Neptune. She dug out her old Pep Squad outfit and crashed the car wash where Veronica was working.

"Hey baby!" she said teasingly. "Miss me?"

"Lilly!" Veronica dropped her sponge and went to give her best friend a hug. "God, I miss you. Do you think your parents will let you transfer back to Neptune?"

Lilly squeezed her friend tight. "Not likely," she sighed. She put on a perky smile. "Louisiana is the new California, don't you know? Or it will be, once I'm done with it." She picked up a sponge and joined Veronica in washing the car.

"Damn," Veronica's face fell a little. "Hey, have you talked to Duncan? Did he tell you why he broke up with me? Logan couldn't get anything out of him."

Lilly shrugged. "I think you should just move on," she said. "I can think of a half dozen guys off the top of my head that would be a better match for you than Duncan."

Veronica's eyes got wide. "But, Lilly. I love him. And you always said that we were perfect for each other. I just don't understand what I did wrong."

"It's not you!" Lilly said. "It's just... he needs some time alone for a while."

"He told you something!" Veronica accused. "Come on, Lilly. Tell me? Please?"

Lilly paused with her sponge in one hand. "Can you just trust me? It's for the best, Veronica. I know that it doesn't seem like it right now, but it is! You deserve better.

Veronica sighed. "I guess," she said. "How are you and Logan?"

Lilly rolled her eyes. "We're not," she said. "He decided he'd rather make kissy-face with Shelley Pomroy than be with me."

"No! I don't believe it!" Veronica exclaimed.

"Caught him on the balcony with her at his dad's party the other night." Lilly shrugged it off and added a little extra flourish to her car-scrubbing.

Veronica studied her friend. "You're in a remarkably good mood considering. I suppose the Prozac is working?"

"High on life, Veronica Mars!" Lilly grinned, remembering her afternoon with the elder Echolls the day before. "In fact, I've got a secret." She leaned in and added in a low voice, "A good one."

Michelle Vaughn, the Pep Squad captain with extra pep to spare, noticed Lilly and Veronica talking. "Girls!" she called out. "Less talk, more scrub!"

"Later," Lilly promised Veronica and went back to washing the car.

But Lilly spent the afternoon catching up with her Neptune friends and she and Veronica didn't get any time alone. Well, she'd just have to call Veronica later, Lilly decided. She had plans this afternoon and didn't intend to be late.

Lilly knew the Echolls estate almost as well as her own. She let herself into the poolhouse and sprawled on the bed. Hm. Should she strip? Maybe the pep squad outfit was a little too little-girl. Though Aaron probably got off on that, the kinky bastard. Lilly laid back on the bed to wait. If he didn't show up soon, she was going to have to start without him. He'd be really sorry if he missed that. Lilly smirked to herself and studied the ceiling.

Wait. What was that in the center of the fan? That looked a lot like... Lilly stood up to get a better look and noticed a line running from the fan to the cabinet on one side. Well, well. Lilly hopped off the bed and examined the cabinet. Looked like if she pushed here - yup, it slid open, revealing two television screens and a couple of video decks. Yep, that was definitely a camera in the fan.

"Oh, you dirty dog!" Lilly exclaimed, looking at the bed. She slid a panel aside and found a couple of tapes, one which appeared to be from yesterday afternoon. She smiled to herself. Wouldn't this be fun! She slipped out the door, just missing Aaron who came through the curtains a few minutes later and spotted the open cabinet.

Lilly turned up the music in her car and sang along as she drove. She was so caught up in her thoughts of what to do with the tapes - blackmail? instant fame for herself? that she didn't even notice she ran a red light.

Once home, Lilly hid the tapes in the air conditioning vent in her room. No point in losing them before she could make backup copies. Then she grabbed some sunblock and a magazine and headed out to the pool. Play it cool, Lilly, she told herself. He is so completely under your thumb now.

Aaron showed up soon, as expected. "I want those tapes back!" he demanded.

"Mr. Echolls, hi! Sorry, Logan's not here," she said innocently.

"I am not playing with you!" Aaron said furiously.

Forget innocent; there was no way she was passing up a straight line like that. "Oh, really," she said with a smirk. "Well, you're usually very interested in playing with me."

"Lilly, give me the tapes, now," Aaron demanded.

"Like, what, you don't see yourself enough on film?" Lilly asked.

"I want those tapes, you stupid little bitch!" Aaron grabbed her arm.

Oh, hell no. Nobody talks to Lilly Kane like that. She pulled away. "Oh, I'm the stupid one? Well, now you can just watch the tapes on Access Hollywood along with the rest of America."

She didn't have time to register that he'd picked up the ashtray before it slammed into her head and everything went dark.

[NFB due to distance. Warning for violence and spoilers for VM episode 1x22, including dialogue used from transcripts. Images below the cut. OOC comments cherished. The canon scene is on YouTube here.]
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