Grey's Anatomy - George/Izzie - 30_romances prompt #3: banter

May 18, 2007 23:38

Title: The Best Part
Theme(s): 30_romances prompt #3: banter
Pairing/Characters: George O'Malley and Isobel "Izzie" Stevens
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Characters and all other things Grey's Anatomy related belong to Shonda Rhimes and ABC.
Notes: No real plot, no real timeline- just happy!George, because lord knows we need it (almost as much as he does).

Sometimes, George can't believe how easy it is, dating his best friend. It's so easy, in fact, that he can't believe he never thought of it before. There is none of the anxiety he usually associates with dating, the apprehension that comes with each new layer of himself that he reveals to his partner. There is no fear of rejection, here, because every embarrassing thing he has ever tried to hide, Izzie already knows. That she wants to be with him anyway still amazes George. It is the same amazement he feels every time he kisses her and feels the fireworks go off in his stomach; when he feels her kiss him back and sees the reflected sparks behind her eyes.

There is a certain state of being that George can only ever enter when he is with Izzie. The realization that he has never felt more comfortable in his own skin then when he is with her is not a new to him: she's been his safe port, his harbour, ever since he leapt into the strange, turbulent waters of life at Seattle Grace. George sometimes wonders what other people, who don't have an Izzie, do to stay afloat.

There are a lot of good things about being with Izzie: there's the way she leans her head on her shoulder when they go to the movies, even though she's taller than him, so it means she has to slouch down in her seat; there's the way that when she bakes cookies, she always takes one sheet out of the oven early, just because she knows he likes them best a bit under-baked and gooey in the center, even if she thinks it's disgusting; there's the way she still blushes when he tells her she's beautiful, even though he's sure she must have heard it hundreds of times before, from hundreds of different people; there's the way that, on especially busy days at the hospital, she'll brush her hand across his arm when they pass each other in the hall, because she doesn't have time to stop and say a proper hello; and there's the way that she still manages to give him butterflies every time she smiles at him, even though he tells himself he should be used to it by now.

And then there's the sex, which- well, the sex is mind-blowing, definitely the best George has ever had. He's pretty sure Izzie enjoys it, too, which makes it even better. But it's still not the best part of being with Izzie.

The best part is all those things, the root of which is their friendship, the closeness of their bond. There was no awkwardness in their transition from friends to lovers: the intimacy they share, while still new, is comfortable. George feels it in the ease at which their hands clasp together, the fit of her lips against his. He feels it in the way their bodies gravitate so naturally toward each other, and in how Izzie wraps herself around him at night, resting against him, warm and relaxed.

One such night, as they are lying beside each other on her bed, Izzie rolls to face him, props herself up on one elbow, and asks, "What do you like best about me, George?"

George turns to her, bemused as much with the unexpectedness of the question as by the fact that he doesn't even know where to begin in answering it. He can tell that she's in a playful mood, though, so he fixes her with a serious gaze, looks deep into her eyes, and says:

"Your breasts, obviously."

There is pause, during which Izzie just blinks at him, and George is suddenly a little worried that he's misread her, for once. But then Izzie laughs, and George grins, because her laughter is one of those many things he likes best about her, and he especially likes when he is the cause of it.

"What do you like best about me?" George asks, because turnabout is fair play, after all, and Izzie gets that look in her eyes, the one that lets him know that she understands a little something about turnabout, too.

"Well, certainly not your sense of humour," she tells him, and George concedes the point with slight incline of his head. "I think maybe..." She taps her fingers thoughtfully across his hip, edging further, further- "...your butt." And then Izzie smirks a bit, and shifts her fingers to pinch him there, so George has no choice but to tickle her in retaliation.

That laughter he loves echoes through the house, filling every nook and cranny with the sound of her happiness, and George lets it fill him, too, until he is close to bursting.

Meredith bangs on the wall above their heads, and from down the hall, Alex is yelling at them to shut the hell up, but George can only hear Izzie, and see Izzie, and feel Izzie, and that is the best part of all.

pairing: george/izzie, fic: grey's anatomy

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