Just a more convienient list for me here with all the prompts I still have to do on my
Writing Meme.
Song/Zuko. If Zuko had managed to take the strong hints in "Cave of Two Lovers" that she was interested in him. (
Katara/boy of your choice. 'And the King of the Summer knows that the Snow Queen lies.' (beckyh2112)
Sokka/Yue. The moon is a harsh mistress. (beckyh2112)
Azula/Yue; any rating. (
Toph talking to Zuko about her struggles with her crush on Sokka and asking Zuko if he's ever had a crush (
The Dangerous Ladies on cactus juice. Bonus points if Azula mistakes Katara for Ty lee and drags her back to camp instead, leaving poor confused Ty Lee with the Gaang (
The Gaang makes a pit stop in a small town which is infested with flying pidgeon-toads. Toph is continually pestered by the by the creatures, which she can't sense through the earth. Hilarity ensues (yamiloo)
After Ozai's angels defeat the Kyoshi warriors, Ty Lee inadvertently gives Azula the idea to impersonate them in order to get to the Earth King. (yamiloo, in place of one of the other two)
Haru/Zuko, season one (NC-17); subduing the breath of fire turns into breathplay. Give me that glorious magical moment in boyslash where two guys fighting lock eyes just as their hips shift just right against each other. (
Jet/Song, post-series (any rating); and he's proud of his scars and the battles he's lost. Bonus points for getting Jet to wear anything not armor; double bonus points for Song in armor. Triple bonus points for inclusion of Zuko (and you may take "inclusion of" to mean whatever you'd like to). (suzukiblu)
Aang/Katara, Avatar State or bloodbending (PG-13 or higher); you're angry when you're beautiful vs. this is how you remind me of who I really am. Bonus points for violent sex and sexy violence, for the fandom is severely lacking in both (suzukiblu)
Jet thinks bloodbending was possibly the greatest invention ever, especially after he gets Katara to use it as punishment/revenge on Zuko. (suzukiblu)
Jetko buddy cop AU with a side of sexual tension. Crazycop!Jet and trying-to-be-good-but-failing badcop!Zuko. (suzukiblu)
Sokka and Katara get a little confused why they don't see anyone else with two daddies and one mommy. Implied Poly relationship between Hakoda, Bato, and Kya. (
Kyoshi Island teen girls. Talking about Sokka and Aang. (spyridona)
Sokka/Zuko, Zuko is visiting at the NOrthern water tribe (
Jet/Zuko, when the roles changed (floranna)
Sokka/Zuko, Boiling Rock. Something didn't go well...(floranna)
AU - Aang never went out into the storm. The Fire Nation war was stopped, but Firelord Ozai is continuing his grandfather's work. The next Avatar is someone from the Water Tribes. I'd like to see a take on that someone being Sokka X3 and Aang being his Airbending teacher or something. (
Sokka/Zuko - the afterparty for the Avatar's defeat of Firelord Ozai and a sour Zuko and he ends up leaving the room. Sokka finds him and shows the soon-to-be-Firelord some 'fun'. Can be NC-17 if need be. Bonus points if Mai finds them but has no problems with it as long as she can join in later (takatohedgehog)
AU - Jet/Zuko. What if the Fire Nation hadn't attacked Jet's village when he was a kid? And what if a certain fugitive prince wandered through said village instead of whatever the place in 'Zuko Alone' was? Extra credit for Zuko giving Jet lessons in swordplay. (And a gold star for Jet returning the favor by giving Zuko lessons in swordplay winkwink,nudgenudge ;) (
AU - Zuko/Jet. What if in 'City of Walls and Secrets' the Dai Li arrested Jet and Zuko? Sure, Jet started the fight and was acting pretty crazy, but you would think that the secret police would want to at least check on this 'he's a firebender' claim. And once they realize they have the prince of the Fire Nation in their grasp... Well, I just can't see a guy like Long Feng not viewing that as an opportunity. With a little mindbending (and that other kid they arrested) it should be easy enough to turn Zuko against the FN; after all, people have betrayed their country for lesser things than love... (calicojane)
AU - Jet/Blue Spirit! In 'Lake Laogai', wasn't it a little odd that Zuko found Appa right away? He has Avatar-tracking radar, not bison-tracking. He should have walked right into the Gaang + Freedom Fighters vs. Dai Li melee going on down there. (And saved Jet!) Of course, Jet would have to express his gratitude somehow. ;) (calicojane)
Zuko/Song - go nuts - He worries she cannot protect herself. She decides to put his mind at ease. (
Song/Ty Lee - fluffy - Ty Lee tries to describe Song's aura (inuyatta)
Zuko/Song - light-hearted - The first time Zuko discovers just how far up the scars go (inuyatta)
June/Iroh- Slight M, for some reason I see them enjoying foreplay more than actual *coughs* playing ;)- ' A little less conversation...' (
Mai/Zuko- PG or T- ' I wasn't meant for the roses and pearls.' (sweetjanebennet)
Ty Lee/Suki- Ty Lee is finding it hard to move past Azula. Suki comforts her.Squee points for yuri (sweetjanebennet)
Mai/Aang - Talking it through - Could be canon or AU, romance or friendship, whatever works. (
Toph - Ironically, saving the world got her invited to more fancy parties than ever. (2l5l9)
Azula/Toph - She didn't really understand, but then again, did it really matter? You get to choose which "she" it is. (2l5l9)
The death of Lu Ten and Iroh's reaction.
fallendominance Harry Potter
Harry and Draco doing it and ginny walks in on them ()
Marauders era, maybe something severus/remus? at school. like, he (snape) is feeling especially crummy about his life (maybe he just got back from a bad holiday at home?), and when james pulls a prank on him, or bullies him in some way, he just looses it somehow (runs away and cries? lol idk) and then remus comfort him. Any rating. (
Severus ----> Lily. Severus reflects on why he chose to side with the Dark Lord. Can be Maurauder-era Severus or otherwise ().
[D&J] Josh discovering drake doing drugs/drinking and drake accidently admitting he is gay/bi (whichever you prefer) while high/drunk. ()
[HSM] A chad/troy fic. one-sided (?), chad angst. set during/after hsm3. Based on song "Silver" by David Cook. ()
[Jonascest] Kevin/Joe, Fluffy, based around Joe's hair. (poppyfields13)
[HSM] While working in the kitchen at Lava Springs, Jason becomes more interested in the sous chef (Zeke obviously) than his job. Clandestine relationship develops ()
[iCarly] Carly tells Spencer that she's falling for Sam after she gets frustrated over something not frustration-worthy and Sam stomps off to the bathroom. Except Sam came back and was just out of sight by the time Carly confesses this. Sam is sort of into the idea but freaked out because Carly's her best friend. The girls become weird around each other for a bit. Finally there's a big fight and everything comes out. Resolve however you wish. ()
People with slots still open:
beckyh2112 fire_lord_azula spyridona lizwinlove If you've already suggested a prompt, but want to change or exchange one, leave a comment here!
Oh, and the meme is still open, but will probably be closing after this weekend.