Jul 21, 2009 12:32
(MAN it has been a while since i updated! And have plenty to say too. Maybe a little later today, but I had to get this out first!)
Thank you to everyone who wrote and participated in writing to their senators, because THE MATTHEW SHEPARD ACT HAS PASSED THE SENATE!!!
This is HUGE news, because it was nowhere near as likely as passing the House of Reps was! And now, it has a chance to go across President Obama's desk and he can sign it so it can pass!
And this is big, because when this bill was first drafted, President Bush specifically said he would veto it if it came across his desk.
President Obama has over and over again said he would definitely pass it.
Now we're only a few days away, if that, of some bit of equal protection in the eyes of the law.
And I'm incredibly happy about this! :)