I was kidnapped and taken to Niagra Falls over the weekend, so sorry about the lack of presence on LJ. Then had a Memorial Day BBQ the day after I returned, and doctor's appointments and etc have kept me busy.
But now with free time, I finally have the chance to post and say this--what I found out on Twitter of all places.
(Just in time, Rich Text is working on my computer again!)
For those who don't know (although I'm sure there was plenty of anger and frustration on LJ on Tuesday about this), the verdict on the vailidity of
Proposition 8--the bigoted California proposition that changed the consitution to recognize marriage as only between a man and a woman from the previous law that allowed gay marriage in the state--was finally decided with the result that that
Prop 8 was constitutional and would stand, although the marriage performed before it passing and after gay marriage was legal in the state would hold.
Which, in my opinion is TOTAL BULLSHIT.
I mean, come on--after all that has happend since then! All the protests, the scandal of the Mormon Church funding the campaign from out of state, the lies and bigotry of many of the supporters and their campaigns, the whole common sense of seperation of church and state, the release of the award winning wide release LGBT film
Milk and the well recognized parallels between
Prop 6 (banning gays and their supporters from teaching in public schools) in the film and prop 8, not to mention the MANY other states--including freaking IOWA--now writing gay marriage into their laws! And the federal government currently voting on the
Matthew Shepard Act (which has PASSED in the House of Reps and the President is openly supporting)! I just don't understand it! It is so freaking backwards!
This now makes Iowa and most of the New England more liberal than the state with Hollywood and the gay freaking capital of the world,
San Francisco. That is just freaking pathetic.
I guess I had just gotten so hopeful with Iowa, Conneticut, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and of course, Massachusettes already ahead of the game. And then Canada right above us. I had thought that the majority of my country was finally starting to see just how simple a decision it should be, that it doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't affect straight couples much at all, and to not allow it is not only discriminatory, but justifies homophobia and hatred against people who are different.
It also makes me worry but all the more passionate about the fact that my state is currently deciding whether or not to allow same-sex marriage. Earlier this month,
the legislation passed, but it still has to go through the Senate.
(And while on the way to Niagra Falls this past weekend, we stopped in a McDonald's upstate. And right at the entrance of it, there was a Bible quote. IN A MCDONALD'S. Since when does religion have a place in a MCDONALD'S???)
And what worries me most is that if it DOESNT pass in NY, which sadly is a possibility, that will mean it will be against the law in the three biggest states in the country (because, no offense, but I am not holding my breath for Texas to be the leader when against NY and CA...). And that will make the fight for equality that much harder.
But then there is hope. I mean, there are all those states passing it, and I know there are lots of people with common sense out there and many willing to fight. So I guess we have to stay positive. And hopefully, get Prop 8 officially overturned soon.
To leave on an up note, and hopefully what everyone will see and think like in the near future...
"Prop 8 - The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many more... from
Jack Black