Maddie's Back

Nov 28, 2007 23:02

XD My favorite Suite Life episode...when Maddie comes back from Antartica!

Zack's crush on Maddie is absolutely adorable. Even though I don't think Maddie returns the feelings at all, Zack's crush is just too cute.

And then London's so thrilled with Maddie coming back....*revels in Maddie/London femslashiness*

Then there's the rivalry with Nia which is cool (suggestive jealousy maybe? but that's probably the slash fangirl in me). And scaring Milicent. And Arwin and Moseby are both always really funny. But mostly it's the Maddie/London femslashiness.

I'm probably going to end up writing a fanfic for them one day....

But back to work on the Slashy!Chyan drabbles!!! >:D I want to get one done today!

ashley tisdale, fanfics, fangirling, the suite life of zack & cody

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