Worthy of Being Taught

Sep 17, 2008 14:30

I have mentioned before that I was lucky enough in my last two years of high school to attend (for half a day because my public school wouldn't pay for full day) an arts school--what is now known as Long Island High School for the Arts. It's a fairly selective school, and you have to audition to get in. I made it and majored in Creative Writing (and my expierience there was beyond amazing--I said more than once it was like my own Hogwarts, no jocks, no major idiots, no bullies. Just lots and lots of cool, interesting and talented art kids--ranging from dance and theatre to music and art and of course, us random writing kids). I had two great teachers there who I still greatly respect and want to keep in touch with for as long as I can. They and their classes helped me so much, improving my writing and definitely giving me a confidence boost.

So naturally, when I finally finished my Independent Project last year, my short story called Love For Teddy and got that amazing and extremely complimentary email from my college advisor/professor, I tried to once again get in contact with my old Writing Teachers to send them a copy. It took a while, since I had to find their emails which I didn't have on hand. But then when I did finally send the email with my story, I didn't hear from them all summer. This made me sad.

But! My sister happens to be going to this art school as well this year (she's majoring in Art though) and my mom had to go to open house for her the other day. She then wanted to stop in to say hello to my old writing teacher (who she was also fond of), although along the way got stopped by at least five other people (the Drama teacher, the principal of the school, the nurse, one of the office women, and a History teacher who was my summer camp teacher for two years) asking about me and how I was doing. (I would've gone with my mother, but she forgot to tell me about it because she was sick the weekend before!). But when she finally did reach my old teacher, he was apparently talking about me to the parents of his new students! TWO YEARS after I had left the school!

When she got to talk to him alone, he told her that he had printed out my story, but somehow lost my email so couldn't get in touch with me. But he wanted to ask me (but couldn't since he had lost the email and could i please get in touch with him) use the story I sent him in his class! When I was in his class, one of the things we did have to do is critique other people's writing. No only our peers and classmates, but our teacher's or other professional writers. He had plenty to choose from, so I'm beyond thrilled that he would consider using my work.

It's one thing to be told that you're good or talented by a teacher. It's a whole different level to be told so years after that class, and be asked for permission for your work to be taught.

(Of course, earlier today I emailed him back saying he was definitely welcome to use my work and I want to know what his students think as well! XD)

The story again is Love for Teddy, and IS posted on createxpression if anyone else would like to read and give their constructive criticism.

--If nothing else, this has put me in a MUCH better mood for writing my creative writing assignment due next week. XD

original stories, writing, livejournal, high school, websites, createxpression, college

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