May 06, 2008 23:11
Because I get to wear aviators.
Enough said.
On other notes, I'm really getting comfortable about juries. My scales are really coming along, my vibrato is getting closer to what it needs to be (although, I wish it was there by now), and I'm taking harder parts of my solo quicker and quicker. This week, I've been able to take a deep breath and smile after doing some of these things. REALLY nice.
Theres one part where I play quick 16ths into a really high note twice. I feel like a badass when I get it right!
Like, I could put my foot up and rock out or something.
That would blow over well, haha.
I'm pretty sure Dave Brown thinks I'm a hack.
I never practice my jazz stuff because I'm really focusing on jury stuff.
So my solo is mediocre, and there this bebop tune we are playing is much less than desirable.
I should fit some time for it in, cause I certainly don't want to not do well at Jazz night.
Vocal jazz is going much better though!
Also, I went to SALT again today.
Theres something that keeps pushing me to go.
I'm not sure what it is, or where it is going to lead.
But, I'm just going.
But I'm getting closer to SOMETHING. I just don't know what that is.
This girl asked if I was in a small group.
I almost said, "No, I'm not Christian, actually."
Funny thought.
I refuse to call my Christian, even though I'm going, until I really say I can believe.
Same as I won't sing along until I know what I mean what I am singing
Which may or may not happen.
Going home this weekend, I'm really excited.
I NEED to see Jacob, haha.