once upon another time

Sep 13, 2012 23:22

Deathmatch is over, and I can finally do my own reveal. And if you haven't picked me out, yet, I am going to be so severely disappointed in you. Seriously. So, for those who haven't yet guessed, I was kyoji kagami.

The name was actually kind of amusing to me. Once my teammates and I had decided on a name, we immediately started looking for pseudonyms who wore white suits. XD Ogata would have been way too obvious (and I don't much care for him, despite the porn I've been writing, oh god why), but I absolutely love Get Backers and always had a soft spot for Kagami. Getting my pseud was relatively easy.

Now, on to my entries.

For rounds 2-5, I wrote the multi-chaptered Everybody Talks (Or, That Incident With The Shirt). For the finals, I wrote a series of ten drabbles, put together an FST, made 100 icons, and called it Everyone Loves Hikaru... And Hikaru Loves Everyone. for those just interested in the drabbles, they are also over at AO3.

Everybody Talks is the Hikaru/Akira story from Disconnect. This had been started ages ago, but then I lost steam. I knew where I wanted it to go, and how it would end, but I sort of just... lost motivation for it, I guess? Maaya had proposed a co-write for it, but then I was lazy and forgot to tell her I had finished the section, which I guess was good, because I already had a framework for the challenge.

I found it hilarious that very few people realized the connection. I mean, there are areas where dialogue is lifted, because I wanted to write the scene from Hikaru's POV, but to keep it with the continuity, I needed the dialogue. What really amused me was that someone had said in a comment that they really wanted to know what was going on with Yashiro. And I'm like, can I pimp Disconnect? Can I? And then I realized it would totes give me away, so.

Anyway. Themes! How did I work them in?

Round two: salty the cup of salt that Hikaru tossed into the curry.
Round three: umami ramen is supposedly savory. I, however, am taking this on the word of others, as I do not eat ramen.
Round four: sour Hikaru and Akira's relationship souring before the tournament in Seoul.
Round five: sweet the entire chapter was sweet, but more specifically, Ashiwara's sweet tooth.

For finals, I wanted to do something different, hence the multimedia. Maaya and I were talking over dinner about different ideas I could do. I had a vague thought of what I might have wanted to do because of a conversation that was had in chat about someone (I forgot who) saying they like Hikaru as the fandom bicycle. While Maaya and I were tossing ideas out, that one came out, and went from there.

It was a hassle finding images for Ogata/Hikaru, let me tell you. Same with Mitani/Hikaru. I was like, seriously? JUST GIVE ME A PICTURE.

The drabbles were probably my favorite part, though, although I feel a bit ashamed for writing some of those pairings. Although I seriously think that Ogata/Hikaru is hot hot hot, which makes me feel dirty. And not in the good way. Well. In the good way, and then in the bad way.


Finals: metallic The handcuffs from the Ogata drabble.

That all being said, I want to thank everyone who read and voted and participated, especially my team, because they were awesome. ♥

here meta meta meta, reveal, deathmatch!, public

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