This. Is why the whole marriage equality issue is important.
If you're on my f!list, than you know that I was in the ER a little while ago. Fortunately, they allowed Maaya to go with me, but that was just courtesy. They would have been well within their rights to not allow her in because she's not related, nor are we married.
It's just ridiculous.
But this couple had all of the fail safes in place - fail safes that the proponents of keeping marriage equality from becoming a reality state is enough to get the benefits [at least, from a medical standpoint] denied.
So. Blog it. Twitter it. Facebook it. Hell. Myspace it.
Feel free to discuss and what not. I'm leaving this post unlocked so that it comes up easily in searches.
Here are a few other links related to this:
The SwivetThe National Center for Lesbian Rights C Smith ♥