Congratulations everyone!
(took this result format from
First Vote = +3, Second Vote = +2, Third Vote = +1
Best Color = *, Best Crop = +
01 - ||||| {+++++++} - 5 pts THIRD PLACE
02 -
03 - |||| {**} - 3pts
04 - ||||| - 5pts THIRD PLACE TIE
05 - {++++++}
06 - |||| {+} -4 pts
07 -
08 - {+}
09 - {***} BEST COLOR
10 - ||| {*} - 3pts
11 - || - 2pts
12 - {+}
13 -
14 -
15 -
16 - ||||||||||||||| {++++++++} - 15pts BEST CROP
17 -
18 - || {*} - 2pts
19 - | - 1pts
20 - |||||||||||||||| - 16pts FIRST PLACE
21 - ||||||| - 7pts SECOND PLACE
22 - | {**} - 1pts
Yes, there are two third places and two mod choices.
Thank you everyone!
Don't forget challenge #06 (coming soon)
Don't forget to vote for challenge #05 (coming soon)
Don't forget Header Challenge #01