Holga Photographs:

Jan 24, 2010 11:22

I finally got the pictures I took last year developed. I didn't know of any place to get them developed nearby and I kept procrastinating about mailing them off. Then I read online that Wal-Mart would do it, even though the brochure on the film drop and all of the photolab employees at Wal-Mart said they wouldn't, so I emailed someone about it, and, turns out, Wal-Mart will develop 120 film. They send it out to Fuji and it takes two weeks, but they'll do it. So I sent my film out, it came back, less than two dollars for processing and twelve prints. That's insane. Anyway, most of the pictures were junk, because I'm so used to shooting on a dslr with the instant feedback that affords you, I've become pretty rusty at shooting on film and with a camera that doesn't have a really good lens. Which is the whole point of having a Holga, that it's a mystery what your end result might be. Turns out that my mystery end result was that my only decent photographs were landscapes and that everything I attempted to shoot close-up came back severely out of focus. It's been so long that I can't remember if I adjusted the camera settings to take the close-up photos, so I may have shot them in landscape mode and that may be the reason for the way they turned out. Or I just suck and I'm spoiled from usually being able to view the subject through the same lens that's going to capture the photograph. Boo to viewfinders.

Anyway, here are the ones I actually liked. If they look familiar it's because I posted the digital pictures from the same day months and months ago.

And, just for the hell of it, I took a picture of one of the negatives for my Project 365, which I've been posting on my flickr:

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