My journal is called _____ because _____.
My subtitle is _____ because _____.
My friends page is called _____ because _____.
My username is ____ because _____.
My default userpic is _____ because_____.
My journal is called The Sirius One because that's who I am.
My journal subtitile is I am KING!! KING!! because that is an inside joke and it is also who I am.
My friend's page is called Lemmings because you are.
My username is
stillprettiest in homage to the great VSDs and because when I came up with my journal name I was surrounded on all sides by my insane friends. I had no chance.
My default user pic hasn't been changed in forever because I haven't been on LJ forever, so in fact I think I will change it now from the "my Fandom" one to. . . something else. Maybe one from "LOST" . . .