Sep 27, 2004 19:03
damn my left headphone is mest up. that sux. well yestesterday we checked out the house where living in the inside is pretty awsome we all can have our own room. this is awsome. this will bew the first time i ever got my own room.aroubnd redlands city there is alot of awsome sotres around there they have like two music shops there. there is a starbucks like right by out house. its awsome. good news im not leaving. where doing a thing called and inter district transfer so e get to stay in valley. although we have to wake up like 5 in the morning though. but thnx to clinton ill be able to go out in the weekends around moreno valley because ill be sataying at his house every other weekend. so it will be kool. kendra we need to do somthing together. before i leave.