8-13-07 monday

Aug 13, 2007 20:07

today started like many mondays, i struggled against my better judgment to get out of bed. when faced with the option of staying in bed, or getting up and going to school, bed just sounds so much better. but i had a pretty uneventful day at medic school. we started cardiology, which is the second more important part of being a paramedic, refractory to pharmacology via my teacher. The only problem with today, was the whole time i was in there learning about the AV node refractory period, and blah blah blah, all i could do was day dream about riding my bike. the whole time thats all i could think of. it drove me crazy! But a plus side, today i was cleared to give out meds. all kinds all ways. so now i am your favorite drug dealer! holla!

so i had to make another hard choice, i could either hang with my girl hannah, or ride my bike, and today my bike won. i was out at the skatepark for a good 3 hours. good times. very good times. i still havnt gotten tailwips down yet, but i got CLEAN tuck no handers back. i remember how much i loved them. so sexy. oh so sexy. now i got about 2 hours before i have to be at work for the night. lets hope for a nice quite night, so i can sleep the whole time! that would be amazing! but i know once i fall asleep, there will be some little bitch who decides today i think i'm going to try and OD. so Tony has to wake his sleepy ass up, and go save my life. just watch!
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