Man, this should be a really fun week, but I'm really not looking forward to it. I'd rather curl up in a ball in my bed and sleep.
First, Brett's 21st birthday is tomorrow. It's a Tuesday, and Mardi Gras, so we'll see how the whole "birthday party" thing goes. Poor guy. He has the worst luck.
Then, Wednesday, we're off to see Broadway's The Lion King! Woohoo!
Thursday is Study Day (Psych test on Friday) and also Find Out Whether Or Not Meredith Grey Is Really Dead Day. I sure hope it turns out to be Meredith's Not Dead Day. Also, preferably, Jim and Pam Get Hitched Day, although that is drastically less likely to happen. Like, no chance.
Friday, we're possibly seeing Barack Obama and then going home to see my puppydog! I miss Snickerdoodles.
Odds and Ends: I'm obsessed with getting one of these:
A red border collie! They're pretty much universally known as the smartest dog breed out there, sometimes too smart for their own good. They're also pretty much the best at everything there is, and have been known to pull sleds, be hunting dogs, rescue people from under tons of snow, assist the blind, win at pretty much every agility/obedience/frisbee competition there is, learn commands in two attempts (including things like "pick up the laundry" and "turn on/off the light," and of course, herd sheep. They're also the perfect size for me. So yeah, they're pretty much the best dogs out there.