My squee for this was more intense than my squee for just about anything ever, and I wasn't even properly in fandom yet.
When it aired, the Sports Night episode
April Is The Cruelest Month made my heart absolutely explode with joy, for the following reasons
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It made me happy both as a not-from-NY Jew myself, but also just because of the universality of it. Joel is not particularly observant, but he knows enough to ask the guy to say the Shema. And of course the guy knows it. It just felt very very right.
(Other than the folks in that episode and Willow, I can only think of Dharma and the Jewish family in "Relativity" but I'm sure there are others.)
I've been to Roslyn, WA, several times, but I never managed to get in to Northern Exposure. That episode sounds *awesome* though - it's always sort of a miracle when the media remember that there are Jews outside of the Northeast U.S.
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