I imagine we have a number of fanfic authors in this community. I'd love to hear how folks deal with Jewish issues in writing fanfic, if at all and any related thoughts on the topic
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In my major fandom, set at least 1000 years in the future, religion has been outlawed. I did manage to have one of the characters celebrate a mutated version of Hanukkah in a Christmas challenge story: I have it that festivals and belief have been preserved and handed down by the Deltas (worker under-class) in a mish-mash of confused tradition. I could link but it's not a well-known fandom.
Nonetheless, I'm intrigued by your "not a well known fandom"; it makes me think you're a fan of Huxley's _Brave New World_, as I am. And I have no clue what that ship is in your avatar but it made me go "OOOOO! SHINY!" Any chance it's from 1970s era Saturday morning kid vid?
It's 70s/80s era evening British SF (they said it was family fare but it was very dark) which I fell for in 2001 when they showed reruns here. Federation society has a grading system nicked from Brave New World and soma also features in the notorious drink "adrenaline and soma". It's Blake's 7 and is the only fandom I feel driven to write for because I was so unhappy about the ending and general treatment of my Delta, Vila.
I read much more widely in fanfic though and watch a lot of current shows. I just don't feel like writing for them. :-)
The ship is indeed shiny. I think it's the most elegant spaceship in SF. I mourned it.
Maybe it doesn't come off as a well-known, but what little I've read of on the subject suggests Blake's 7 fandom ranks in size and age (it's been around a while!) with classic Star Trek fandom.
Really? I'm not sure, being such a relatively recent fan. I don't think B7's that big or as much a part of the culture, at least outside the UK; after all everyone's heard of ST:TOS and its catch-phrases like "Beam me up, Scotty!" :-) What's encouraging though is that a lot of new and young fans are discovering B7 and joining the fandom, and many of them in the US too, where it was only shown once decades ago if I'm right. Being able to see it on YouTube or DVD is causing new interest.
It certainly has been around a while. Next month it will be 30 years since it first aired, and there's a big con in the UK I wish I could go to.
I read much more widely in fanfic though and watch a lot of current shows. I just don't feel like writing for them. :-)
The ship is indeed shiny. I think it's the most elegant spaceship in SF. I mourned it.
It certainly has been around a while. Next month it will be 30 years since it first aired, and there's a big con in the UK I wish I could go to.
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