Double standards in war and peace

Aug 22, 2008 17:05

The U.S. Administration continues to threaten Russia over its actions in Georgia. No one disputes that Georgia provoked the current hostilities through its actions in South Ossetia.

Interestingly, this situation has some resemblance to Israel's invasion of Lebanon last year. You could argue that both are examples of responses that exceed what the situation calls for. However, Israel's longer and much more deadly campaign was far worse and destroyed many more lives and infrastructure.

Ever wonder why the U.S. didn’t demand that Israel stop destroying Lebanon? The U.S. made no demands of Israel to stop nor did it threaten Israel with sanctions or isolation. Just the lastest in a several centuries long record of double standards in U.S. foreign policy.

Let's just hope that Bush's placement of missles in Poland don't trigger another full scale Cold War. Better yet, let's hope the plan is killed as soon as he's out of office.

On the subject of Russia and Georgia, here's a nice column from some Russian guy in Wednesday's New York Times:

world affairs

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