1. Animal Behavior by Sue Walsh
http://qaf-fic.com/atp/viewstory.php?sid=187 2. Blissed by Valerie
http://valerie.bandofbuggered.com/bj/blissed.html 3. Prometheus Unbound by Paul Plesko
http://www.squidge.org/~pplesko/stories/prometheusunbound.html 4. Revelations by Tinkerbell
http://www.livejournal.com/users/ragingpixie/252287.html 5. Going for It, by London
http://brianplusjustin.us/london/gfi.php 6. Give, by Lane Carson
http://www.angelfire.com/folk/laneysqafstories/fiction/give.html Add two of your favorite QAF fics to the list with links. Post your updated version of the list as a comment here, and post it in your own journal with these directions.