Aug 01, 2005 11:25

Yay-ness! I finished yesterday at like 3 in the afternoon. I got the book at like midnight, but I didn't have much time at all to read. But before I start talking about HBP (and for those who haven't read it, and yes this means you, Blair: I'll give you lots of warning) I'm gonna mention the other things that are going on. Beauty and the Beast has opened and it's a fantabulous show! Into the Woods opens in two days (woah, that's scary) and is only playing on the 3rd and 7th. So Here's The Thing has closed, sadly, but TomFoolery is still playing. And oh yeah, Oliver! closed too. I can walk w/o a brace or crutches now, which is very good. I still have a little bit of trouble running, though. Ok, I'm gonna start talking about Half-Blood Prince now.

I'm gonna start talking about it now...

If you really want tons of spoilers, ok, but it won't be my fault...

Blair, you really shouldn't be reading this...

Last warning:




So Snape betrayed me!!!!...I mean us. He betrayed us!!!!! OMG!!! When we found out about him "accidentally" betraying Lily and James, I felt so betrayed and was really upset, but then Dumbledor said he didn't mean to and I was happy because I thought he was still good!! AND THEN HE TURNS OUT ACTUALLY BEING EVIL!!! I was so shocked I couldn't cry for Dumbledor. I wanted to and I was really sad and stuff, but I just couldn't do it. Ron and Hermione STILL haven't gotten together, but I'm 99.9% sure it'll happen in book 7. Harry/Ginny made me happy. I really want what Trelawny said in book 5 to come true: Harry living to a ripe old age, becoming Minister of Magic, and having 12 children. And I want him to marry Ginny, heehee. Fluer is so great at the end. She really loves Bill and it's just so sweet. Speaking of relationships...Ha! Tonks and Lupin forever!!! They so rock. I love them. When Harry thought Tonks had loved Sirius I was like,"Ew! They're cousins! And besides, Tonks so belongs w/Lupin!" Woohoo! It was really cute when they were holding hands at the funeral. My friends and that interview w/ JKR (it's on mugglenet.com and is probably on the Leaky Cualdron too) brought up the fact that R.A.B. is Sirius's brother Regulus Black. I had tried to figure out who R.A.B. was before, but I never thougth of Regulus. It makes a lot of sense, though. I'll probably write more about HBP later, but right now I gotta work on music for Into The Woods. Ttyl! Adios! HUGS!

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