I found that amusing. I found it as a link on
But anyway, Oliver! was really cool! Opening Night was last night. The director changed a few things, but I think it was a great version of the show! As Mom said, I could understand why they changed what they did, except that Fagin didn't go back for the box at the end. I'm not gonna tell anymore though, in case I spoil it. ERIC, BLAIR, MORGAN, AND ALL THE OTHERS WERE GREAT! I was sad when we were leaving because I didn't get to say "Hi!" to Eric...(tear trickles down cheek.) OH! I saw like SOOO many people there that I know! Even one of the little first grade boys I aided for at JT! Christopher is SO CUTE! I did a double take and stuff to make sure it was him. I MISS MY LITTLE KIDS!...except one I won't mention...
HBP IS COMING OUT TONIGHT! WOOHOO! Happyhappyhappy! ...Wow...I'm excited. ...I'm such a geek, lol! I'm not as bad as the girl in that comic (link above) though. She's a bit scary, lol. It's funny to listen to all the dabates about HP. The many roumors are funny too! There are some really, REALLY odd ones out there. I was going to put one of my favs up (well, it wasn't really a rumor or predictioin...the person was just joking) but it's on a forum and that forum has been closed so no one will spoil HBP for everyone else.
So I hope to hear from you guys soon! ADIOS!