tell the boys ill see them soon....

Mar 12, 2003 16:19

well its happening. tomorrow i leave for florida. im gonna bum around south florida for a month or so relying on the hospitality of my friends. then i go to orlando where charles is gonna let me stay for a while. so im giving it all up. im starting over in florida. things will work out. i know they will. they always have a way of doing that. to all ( Read more... )

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mmmmmm March 12 2003, 14:01:58 UTC
march 14

the weapon
dance floor justice
on our own
target nevada

in coral springs


hotandcold March 12 2003, 14:18:46 UTC
Yes, Carlo, you better go. I'm going. Look for the girl with the cheesy flyers, and :cough: go to my show saturday night, too.

Pompano Indoor Skatepark

Unsilent Reign
A Jealousy Issue
Into the Moat
No Such Road
Down falls the morning
Never in Red
The Madd Agents
Modern Day 84

Proceedes benefit the American Cancer Society

Come and make me happy (!!!!) and bring the kids your staying with, too.


keimfu March 12 2003, 15:36:16 UTC
We'll be there visiting Tony from DFTM, muah.


hotandcold March 12 2003, 17:57:31 UTC
Like woah.

That's some good coping on that picture, the penis fits in quite nicely. I did a double take when I saw that, since I had seen the original before.

And BTW, you should bring a whole truckload of people to go visit Tony.


Re: keimfu March 12 2003, 19:30:01 UTC
Sounds like you have a lot of love for this young fella... Well that or he is like the hulk and gets really big, green, and ugly when angry. Shit he already got the ugly part covered.


hotandcold March 13 2003, 13:30:02 UTC
Woah, there's no love. If I hadn't put the show together, I wouldn't have even known his name.

You should go to the show because seeing a lot of people there would make me happy.

And I didnt know that you want to fight Tony. Just don't do it at the show on saturday, because even if you did bring like 20 people -which, I assume would be to fight him- I would not be happy.


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