so, umm, like, yeah.

Jan 17, 2005 11:10

for those of you who know me, you probably have heard me rant about women's magazines at one point or another. for those of you who don't know me, here's your chance for an earful.
as i was getting into the shower this morning i took particular notice of a magazine cover that i had noticed before but not paid any particular attention to. the biggest head line or cover story or what ever read something like this: "GET BEAUTIFUL: Look Like You, Only Better". i swear i dont know how people eat this shit up. as if women don't have poor enough self images, which are self evident from the magazines they put out and buy, (granted this is a gross generalization and maybe most of you reading this don't feel this way about yourself, or have a friend who has a great self image, and for that i apologize), the cover stories or the biggest story of the month is telling the readers they aren't good looking enough, they aren't beautiful with out helpful hints from our editors. let me say this, beauty is never going to come from a magazine, it is an inner,subjective, self realization that only you can make. but, you know, i am leaving out the truly ugly people which is not necessarily thier problem but society's my self included. i believe if we treated everyone as if they were beautiful then they would probably become beautiful, and maybe not in the physical sense but somehow, if any of you have ideas on how to achieve this let me know.
this has been a demonstration on my shotgun approach to gettin my thoughts out, not always coherant or even completly hitting the mark but most of them are there i think. screw editing. :)

PS. none of this is intended to offend, jesus, i'm writing disclaimers to my thoughts. but i apologize for anything that doesn't seem completely thought out, besides, who know where thoughts come from, they just appear. thank you lucas.
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