Jun 09, 2005 23:57
well well well, yesterday was great sara and i went to hang out, we went to ruby tuesdays for lunch and i gave her her yearbook back that i did for her and then we ended up at the mall shopping in a crazy sales hell...and i spent soooo much money on victoria's secret smelly stuff, some cute tops and two key chains and my total savings came up to like $123,42...how amazing is that!!!! so we had a great time shopping like crazy and went to her house to chill out a little and plan the night, krista called us and wanted to see cinderella man with rachel and us but we just really didnt feel like a boxing movie so we said no and then christie called me to go to christina's for another movie night and i was like SURE! so i was in a total hurry and sara dropped me off home and i ran inside to get my stuff ready and forgot the yearbook and made christie wait for like 10 minutes and omg it was just great. at christina's we had a whole load of fun like always and watched GLADIATOR and fell asleept on the couch around 1 am. christina went to bed and christie and i slept on the couch and were woken uo by her daddy making a lot of noise at around 6 am and had to wake up christie to get her car keys to move her car and shit...so we were awake and fell asleep again and got up around 9ish 10ish and were having breakfast (i didnt but they did) and then christina started arguing with her mom about going to club Paris again but it didnt help and she offered us to pay for all of us to go to Sea World instead to have something to do today and yay so we went.
it was just an awesome day at sea world, we got there at around 12:45 and started of with the penguin house and tried to win the penguin close up meeting but we didnt. this stupid little girl won even though christina was way faster than her... stupid! but oh well...then we went to the shark restaurant and got a table for like almost 2 hours later because it was soooooo packed because of the bad weather and all the rain and then we walked around petted some fishies and went to the KRAKEN roller coatser. after dinner we went to the Blue Horizon show and it was kinda cute and all with dolphins and false killer wales and awesomeness...i loved the animals the show was really kinda cute, it combined birds and acrobatic stuff with the water and all....and then we went to the water atlantis ride thingi and got drenched and all and went again and then to the Kraken rollercoaster again and it was fun and i got for all four of us a picture, i got for christie and christina a magnet for their refrigorators in the dorm and for sean and myself a keychain thing...so we will all always (all always sounds really wrong) remember the great rainy seaworld day! and went later then we went to the night shamu show...it was awesome and even though we sat in the splash zone or whatever they call it we didnt get wet and i had the shamu icecream and it was just awesome. after the show we hurried one last time to the Kraken rollercoaster and in the dark it was an even more awesome ride we were all really excited!!! lol fun fun fun!
wow i just loved it and now i am really really tired and im going to bed...so night night!