i cant write this lab report.
I have cleaned my room, worked out, showered, braided my hair, got some of last nights pizza, read
this amazing fic about babies (SO CUTE I CANT HANDLE IT), left them the most rambling half-witted comment ever, sat down at my desk, got up and made my bed, sat down at my desk again, shuffled some papers around, went back out to the kitchen to make a salad, sat down at my desk again, moved to the desk at the window, unbraided my hair, opened a word document, added some pledge on facebook, moved back to the other desk, and now I've slipped off my chair and am on the floor typing this because i dont want to write this fucking labreport and you cant make me please just let me write about boys kissing boys and turn it in even though t will freak the fuck out of my professor.
im just gonna lay on the floor some more and try to figure out why im such a loser who cant just get her shit done.
and where my shift key went.
and why i made that salad if im not going to eat it.