monkeys do not jump on futons, only beds

Jan 20, 2010 22:45

i own a bed. w/ a real matress.
the bedROOM comes in another wk and a half.
or well, i go to the room then. then assemble the bed there.
so currently i own parts of a bed.

but yis, i'm moving not too far off and upgrading to a 1br.
this makes me ridiculously happy.
esp bc now i can has BED. w/ MATRESS.
trying mattresses was surreal. i'd quite forgotten what a good bed is supposed to feel like.
am a little worried that the matress i got might not be good, b/c i'm not sure what it's supposed to feel like. yay 90day returns??

i bought more books than i realized last year, and i need more boxes.
a lot more boxes.

i've decided to turn some tshirts into pillow cases for my futon which is retiring to a couch. that way i can show them off more often, especially my school pride ones... bc, albeit ungratefully and snootily, going to a different school for my mls just makes me love and miss my alma mater that much more. (having aladin as an ecatalog is just so.... plebian)
but that's a post-move project.

which reminds me, school has started.
my reference101 class makes me want to gnaw my foot off. but it's going to be online half the time, so it's not too bad.
my other class meets for the 1st time tomorrow, and i've high hopes.
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