uno, dos, trez, quatros.

Jul 20, 2009 23:28

been listening alot to the radio recently, getting interested in this summers tunes =)
so i got woke up around 9 this morning to go help my mum with the shop, was tired. umm, ended up missing the first train cus of my slowness xD and then it got kinda mixed up after that as well cus we forgot to change at lewisham.. and yeah. ended up taking long, and i just remember on and off for ages i talked to kamen on the phone lool and yeah, we got there and abit later my mum showed me how to do everything in the shop, tell me about wat to do if people tried to steal and blah, went and bought something to eat, didnt finish that. and soon after around.. 2 my mum went for doctors and i was left to try and manage LOL but there were loads of people around who cud help me.. chinese as well, there are alot of chinese people round there LOL there was a really nice lady who probably werent too much older than me, shes so nice, but her english aint good and can only speak manderin.. so i tried to manage speaking with her lools and yeah.. sold quite a few things, omg so many germans come to england.. there were a bunch looking at the sunglasses and actually took about half an hour to choose, trying on everything around the shop as well, and in the end was like, put this aside and we'll come back. which means they wont, and they didnt, fcking pisstakes. and then these two like.. men who wanted the hats, but kept tryna haggle and came back like 3 times to try again, saying oh sell it to me for half the price, 'ill give you the money now' gives me £6.. err as if i cud give it to you for half price. i sed no, didnt give in and he left, then his friend came back later to try and haggle, saying oh i only got £7 .. honestly, i sed no, he sed okay.. £8. at least make it convincing you got no money.. ffs, then one came back AGAIN later, sed oh ill give you £9, i sed no. he sed 10, and i sed 11 ? and he was kinda like yeah and gave it to me all in coins so whilst was counting he like ran away. still £2 short, but my mum sed its fine. if you want the hat so much then pay the full price or go somewhere else ¬¬
stayed from 2 till half 5, tryna keep myself from being bored but pay attention at the same time. listened to music, moved round the shop, got kamen to call me.
wen it got busy or there were loads of people, or wen those hat men were tryna haggle, the lady across wud come over and kinda keep watch for me, so it wasnt so bad xP
wen i left, i left with this man who did the clothes shop, and he helped take me to london bridge, and i changed for lewisham and he helped me find the platform and stuff =) and cus its my cousins birthday today we went to nandos to eat, omg i ate so much.. nearly had a whole chicken by myself, had 3 whole pieces and abit of a fourth one, then had chips, two or three glasses of coke and then like 3 kinda shared bowls of frozen yoghurt with my sister, which was nice. im still full now xD
then kinda got excited for no reason cus we were MAYBE going china, if there were tickets. got like really excited, but wen i got home i was thinking, oh i wana go back with my parents, cus if we went it wud be like a month, and just with my cousin and sister. so wen they were like oh the tickets are too much i was kinda like oh well, next year we shud go as a family or something. im not that sad actually xD ill just get my cousin to buy watever it is i wanted =)

someone come with me to camden~ the lion market place has loaaaaads of nice stuff. its the nice part of camden =)

nandos, camden

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