(no subject)

Aug 17, 2010 00:10

so tired man. quick post, i havent blogged in so long! im half giving this up cus im way too lazy now, way way way too lazy. im barely at home in front of the computer anymore anyways. i swear i have SO many subscriptions on youtube to catch up on its crazy. its gona take me long D= but i got my first lazy day tomorow in aaaaaages anyway, so i will do it then. yeah probs.
icons for 2 weeks. bleh.

2nd place for second icon. themes were provided image for 1st icon and provided lyrics for last two.

got 'most emotional' for 3rd icon. themes were provided image for first icon, and last two were 'arrow'

bishbashbosh. done.

inuawards, blogging, lazy, icons

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